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April 24, 2020 Letting 12:00 PM
Notice of Letting
Volume 023, No. 012

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Item-Contract Status Status Date Q&A Sub/Ans Addendums Region District Counties Pre-Bid Meeting Bulletin Description
001-60Y00 Executed 05/29/2020 14 / 13 1 1 Cook Construction of the Intelligent Transportation System infrastructure including a new Comm. Hut, LED lighting for U/P expwys, retrofit of existing HMLTs with LED, and fiber optic cables for the Jane Byrne interchange corridor along I-90/94/290.
002-62F18 Executed 05/29/2020 1 1 Cook Drainage improvement, and ADA improvements at the drainage ditch along the N side of FAU Fullerton Ave from Sarah St to Silver Creek Dr in Franklin Park.
003-62H64 Executed 05/27/2020 1 1 Cook Culvert headwall repair in the Village of Schiller Park.
004-62H71 Executed 06/02/2020 4 / 4 1 1 1 Cook Bridge repair project on IL-83 at Sanitary and Ship Canal.
005-62J43 Executed 05/29/2020 1 / 1 1 1 Will Designed overlay and ADA improvements on US 52 from Eden Ln to E of Joyce Rd.
006-62J36 Executed 06/08/2020 2 / 2 2 1 1 Kane Bridge deck overlay and joint repairs on IL 72 over the Fox River.
007-62J59 Executed 06/02/2020 2 / 2 1 1 1 Cook Designed overlay including milling and resurfacing, installation of shoulder rumble strips, and other safety and drainage improvements along I-90 from IL 43 to I-94.
008-62J67 Executed 07/07/2020 1 1 Cook Designed overlay and pedestrian ramps on US 41 from 31 ft SE of the centerline of Kedzie Ave to 44 ft N of the centerline of Foster Ave.
009-62J70 Executed 06/08/2020 2 / 2 1 1 1 Cook SMART Overlay and ADA improvements on US 6 from IL-50 to E of I-294.
010-62J80 Executed 05/27/2020 1 / 1 1 1 1 Cook HMA Design Overlay of Touhy Ave from 240 ft W of the intersection of Lee St, E to 100 ft E of US-14.
011-62J82 Executed 05/27/2020 1 1 1 Cook Smart Overlay and ADA improvements on US 12 from IL 19 to N of US 20.
012-62J94 Executed 06/02/2020 2 / 2 1 1 1 Kane SMART overlay, ADA improvements, and milled rumble strips on IL 47 from IL 64 to Seavey Rd. The net length of this project is approximately 7.9 miles.
013-62J96 Executed 06/02/2020 1 1 Cook, Kane Centerline joint repair and patching project on US 20 that starts at Plank Rd and extends E for 7.4 miles to a point approximately 80 ft W of the centerline of Shales Pkwy.
014-62K06 Executed 06/02/2020 1 1 Various Landscape repair work at various expressway and primary locations in District 1.
015-62K10 Withdrawn 03/24/2020 1 1 Various Dead tree removal along expressway and arterial routes of District One. , Dead tree removal along expressway and arterial routes of District One.
016-62K20 Withdrawn 03/31/2020 1 1 Cook Improvements to bridge parapet, joint, steel, and wingwall on I-55 over BRC RR in Chicago. , Improvements to bridge parapet, joint, steel, and wingwall on I-55 over BRC RR in Chicago.
017-62K22 Executed 06/08/2020 1 / 1 1 1 DuPage, Will ADA improvements along various state routes in Dupage and Will Counties.
018-62K23 Executed 06/02/2020 1 / 1 1 1 1 Cook Bridge repairs and improvements on various bridges over I-290 from 25th Ave to Ridgeland Ave.
019-62K34 Executed 05/27/2020 1 1 Will Bridge deck repairs including full and partial depth bridge deck patching, and the removal of existing asphalt over the patches on I-80 from Center St to Rowel Ave in Joliet.
020-62K35 Withdrawn 03/31/2020 1 1 Cook Permanent protective shield installation on IL 53 bridges over IL 62, US 14 and RR, Palatine Rd, Kirchoff Rd, Anderson Dr, as well as Fulton Market St bridge over I-90/I-94. , Permanent protective shield installation on IL 53 bridges over IL 62, US 14 and RR, Palatine Rd, Kirchoff Rd, Anderson Dr, as well as Fulton Market St bridge over I-90/I-94.
021-62K50 Executed 05/29/2020 1 / 1 1 1 Will Bridge deck repairs and shoulder reconstruction on I-55 over IL 53, Joliet Rd, and S Madison St in Bolingbrook and Burr Ridge.
022-62K54 Executed 05/21/2020 1 1 Will Pavement patching including asphalt surface removal, HMA surface course, pavement patching, and placement of pavement markings on I-55 from S of I-80 to S of Weber Rd.
023-62K57 Executed 05/27/2020 2 / 2 1 1 1 McHenry Light tower and foundation removal, install new light poles, metal foundations, LED luminaires, conduits, cables, excavation and site restorations at US 14 at IL 31 in Crystal Lake.
024-64J28 Executed 06/08/2020 2 2 Rock Island 2.44 miles cold milling, pavement patching, and HMA resurfacing in Carbon Cliff .
025-64M42 Executed 06/08/2020 1 / 1 2 2 2 Whiteside Cold milling, pavement patching, and HMA resurfacing on US 30 from French Creek E of Morrison to Emerson Rd.
026-64M45 Executed 06/08/2020 1 / 1 1 2 2 Lee Cold milling, pavement patching, and HMA resurfacing on IL 26 from Bloody Gulch Rd in Dixon to US 30.
027-64N36 Executed 06/08/2020 2 2 Boone, Winnebago Dowel bar retrofit, pavement patching, profile diamond grind pavement, and pavement marking from Buckley Dr in Rockford to 0.4 mile E of Shaw Rd on US BUS 20.
028-64N59 Executed 06/08/2020 2 2 Stephenson Cold milling, pavement patching, and HMA resurfacing on westbound US 20 from 0.6 mile W of IL 26 to 0.6 mile W of Springfield Rd.
029-66A87 Executed 06/02/2020 2 3 Livingston 7.27 miles of 3P milling and resurfacing on IL 116 from 0.7 mile E of IL 47 in Saunemin to W of Cullom.
030-66B75 Executed 06/08/2020 1 / 1 2 2 3 Iroquois, Kankakee Milling and resurfacing 3.75" of HMA binder and surface on the mainline (3P Designed Overlay) with guardrail upgrades and drainage improvements. It begins from 0.2 mile S of I-57 to IL 79.
031-66B80 Executed 06/02/2020 2 / 2 2 3 Livingston 3P milling and resurfacing of 3.75" with guardrail replacement from E city limits of Cornell to IL 116 in Pontiac.
032-66D56 Executed 06/02/2020 1 / 1 1 2 3 Livingston 3P milling and resurfacing (Designed Overlay) from IL 18 to West Fork Mazon River, 1.4 miles W of I-55.
033-66E15 Executed 06/08/2020 1 / 1 1 2 3 Ford, Iroquois 7.18 miles of milling and resurfacing 2.5" of HMA on IL 54 from IL 115 in Roberts to Spring Creek and updating guardrail at 2 structures.
034-66J73 Rejected 05/06/2020 1 / 1 2 3 DeKalb 3P milling and resurfacing (Standard Overlay) on SBI 23 from Coltonville Rd to Highland Dr in Sycamore.
035-66K30 Executed 06/10/2020 2 3 Bureau 5.76 miles of SMART overlay consisting of milling and resurfacing of 2" of HMA and additional ADA, guardrail, and drainage improvements from E of IL 40 to Hazelwood Dr in Wyanet.
036-66K72 Executed 06/10/2020 2 3 Ford 4.15 miles of 3.75" HMA milling and resurfacing with spot guardrail updating and culvert cleaning on IL 9 from the McLean County Line to just W of IL 47 in Gibson City.
037-68953 Executed 06/08/2020 1 / 1 1 3 4 Fulton 2.88 miles of HMA cold-in-place, milling and resurfacing along US Rte 24 in Lewistown with minor drainage work and ADA requirements.
038-68E88 Executed 06/08/2020 3 4 Peoria Repair to ramps on I-474 at Airport Rd and US Rte 24 interchanges in Peoria.
039-68E90 Executed 05/29/2020 3 4 Various Bridge deck sealing on various bridges.
040-68F01 Executed 05/27/2020 1 / 1 3 4 Fulton 4 miles of microsurfacing on US 24 from the eastern city limits of Astoria to west of Izaak Walton Rd.
041-68F04 Executed 06/02/2020 3 4 Various Pavement markings on various routes in various counties.
042-68F16 Executed 05/27/2020 2 / 2 3 4 McDonough, Warren 8 miles of microsurfacing on IL 110/US 67 from 0.4 mile S of N 2100 Rd to N of 40th Ave in Warren and McDonough Counties.
043-68F22 Executed 06/08/2020 1 3 4 McDonough Resurfacing on IL 61 from IL 336 to CH 24 in Colmar.
044-68F25 Executed 05/27/2020 2 / 2 3 4 McDonough 10.5 miles of microsurfacing on US 136/IL 336 from the Hancock County Line to IL 336; IL 110/IL 336 from US 136 W to 0.5 mile S of US 136, W of Macomb.
045-68F42 Executed 05/21/2020 3 4 Peoria Ramp metering along the entrance ramp from Fayette St to Eastbound I-74 in Peoria.
046-68F48 Executed 06/08/2020 3 4 Woodford Bridge painting along the I-39 corridor in Woodford County on SNs 102-0058, 102-0059, 102-0060, 1020061, and 1020062.
047-68F56 Executed 06/02/2020 1 / 1 1 3 4 Various Light pole replacement, luminaire replacement, and miscellaneous electrical work at various locations.
048-70D63 Executed 05/29/2020 1 3 5 Champaign 321.6 ft of bridge deck repairs on SN 010-0056 carrying IL 47 over I-72.
049-70D65 Executed 06/15/2020 1 / 1 3 5 McLean Bridge deck overlay of FAI 39 from 2100 N to 2200 N at Hudson.
050-70D80 Executed 06/08/2020 1 3 5 Champaign, Piatt Driving lane inlay on FAI 74 approximately 1.3 miles W of Champaign County Line to 0.2 mile W of IL Rte 47 in Mahomet.
051-70E11 Executed 07/07/2020 3 5 Piatt 7.288 miles of Bituminous Surface Treatment A-1 on IL 105 from SCL of Bement.
052-70E15 Executed 05/29/2020 3 5 McLean Bridge joint replace/repair, bridge deck repairs to SN 057-0022 and 057-0023.
053-70E31 Withdrawn 04/23/2020 3 5 McLean Resurfacing (SMART) 0.3 mile W of I-55 to Old Route 66 W of Chenoa. , Resurfacing (SMART) 0.3 mile W of I-55 to Old Route 66 W of Chenoa.
054-70E60 Executed 06/15/2020 3 5 Various Districtwide smart work zone technology.
055-72G70 Executed 06/08/2020 4 6 Christian 10.6 miles of designed overlay and ADA improvements on IL 29 from south of Velma Road, south of Taylorville, to north of Magnolia Street in Pana.
056-72K45 Executed 06/02/2020 4 / 4 2 4 6 Montgomery ADA improvements at various locations along IL 16 and IL 127 in Hillsboro.
057-72L45 Executed 06/08/2020 4 6 Macoupin Joint replacement and deck overlay on SN 059-0053 carrying the Shipman Blacktop over Hurricane Creek, 9.6 miles north of IL 16.
058-72L52 Executed 06/02/2020 4 6 Christian Milling, resurfacing, addition of 4- HMA and 4- aggregate shoulders, improvement of existing entrances and guardrail on US 51 / IL 16 in the City of Pana.
059-72L60 Executed 06/02/2020 4 6 Morgan, Scott Culvert replacement on Old US 36 from east of the Scott / Morgan County line to east of Jacksonville.
060-72L61 Executed 06/02/2020 4 6 Brown, Pike Culvert replacement from 1.8 miles north of the Brown / Pike County line to 0.5 miles south of the Brown / Pike County line.
061-72L69 Executed 06/22/2020 4 6 Macoupin Deck slab repair, approach slab repair and expansion joints repair on SN 059-0013 carrying IL 111 over Lick Creek and SN 059-0014 carrying IL 111 over Bear Creek.
062-72L70 Executed 06/02/2020 4 6 Schuyler Deck repairs on SN 085-0004 carrying IL 103 over Town Branch and SN 085-0005 carrying IL 103 over Crane Creek.
063-72L71 Executed 05/29/2020 4 6 Sangamon Deck patching and joint repair on SN 084-0042 carrying IL 29 NB over South Fork Sangamon River, 2.4 miles east of I-55.
064-74542 Executed 06/08/2020 3 / 3 4 7 Cumberland 8.3 miles of patching, milling, resurfacing, aggregate wedge shoulders and culvert replacement on US 40 in Greenup.
065-74575 Executed 06/02/2020 1 / 1 4 7 Coles 2.2 miles of patching, milling, resurfacing, ADA sidewalk upgrades and curb and gutter replacement on IL 121 from 0.2 miles west of 300E to 20th Street in Mattoon.
066-74897 Executed 06/02/2020 1 / 1 4 7 Various Furnishing and installing overhead sign trusses and closed-circuit television cameras along various routes and rest areas throughout District 7. Also includes furnishing and installing equipment and software to connect DMS and CCTV to Operations Office.
067-74907 Executed 06/08/2020 3 / 3 2 4 7 Effingham 4.8 miles of patching and resurfacing on US 45 from Jacee Avenue to 0.23 miles south of IL 37.
068-74923 Executed 06/08/2020 1 4 7 Edwards 3.7 miles of patching, milling, resurfacing, curb and gutter improvements and minor structure improvements on IL 1 from the Wabash County line to the White County line.
069-74928 Executed 05/29/2020 4 7 Coles Bridge deck patching, approach pavement patching and new bridge joints at 4 structures on IL 16 west of Charleston. SN 015-0015 and 015-0016 carrying IL 16 over Eastern Illinois RR; SN 015-0017 and 015-0018 carrying IL 16 over Riley Creek.
070-74930 Executed 06/15/2020 4 7 Fayette 17.1 miles of patching on I-70 from 3.2 miles east of the Bond County line to the Brownstown Weigh Station.
071-74934 Executed 06/08/2020 1 / 1 4 7 Coles 9 miles of patching on I-57 from MP 182 to MP 191 and 0.2 miles of patching on Old IL 316 from D Street to A Street in Charleston.
072-74937 Executed 06/08/2020 4 7 Various A-2 surface treatment at three locations in Clay, Jasper and Effingham Counties and sealing the parking lot at the District 7 headquarters in Effingham.
073-74952 Executed 06/22/2020 4 7 Lawrence 4.8 miles of cape seal with bump removal and patching on US 50 from Beaver Pond Ditch to the Indiana state line.
074-74954 Executed 07/09/2020 4 7 Fayette 4.3 miles of HMA surface removal and microsurfacing on US 40 / IL 185 from 0.1 miles east of US 51 to the frontage road west of Brownstown.
075-74955 Executed 06/22/2020 1 / 1 4 7 Macon 4.6 miles of microsurfacing on US 51 from 0.8 miles south of US 36 to 0.3 miles east of US Business 51, southwest of Decatur.
076-74967 Executed 07/22/2020 4 7 Cumberland 4.4 miles of crack and joint sealing on US 45 from 0.2 miles south of IL 121 to East 11th Street in Neoga.
077-74968 Executed 06/02/2020 4 7 Clark 7 miles of patching, milling, resurfacing, aggregate shoulders and shoulder rumble strips on IL 49 from just south of Tyler Avenue in Casey to the Cumberland County line.
078-74970 Executed 06/08/2020 4 7 Clay 0.8 miles of new HMA shoulders on US 45 from the southern edge of Hord to Bible Grove Road.
079-76K76 Executed 05/29/2020 5 8 Madison 0.8 miles of deck sealing on the Clark Bridge carrying US 67 over the Mississippi River from Alton, IL to West Alton, MO.
080-76L22 Executed 06/08/2020 1 / 1 5 8 Madison 3.8 miles of milling, resurfacing and 4' HMA shoulders on IL 160 from IL 140 to Herman Street in Grantfork.
081-76L23 Executed 06/02/2020 5 8 St. Clair 2.9 miles of resurfacing on IL 158 / IL 177 from 0.3 miles west of the IL 158 Junction to County Road.
082-76L90 Executed 06/08/2020 2 / 2 1 5 8 Marion 28 miles of patching on I-57 from the Jefferson County line to the Fayette County line.
083-76M40 Executed 06/02/2020 2 / 1 5 8 Marion Bridge deck repairs, joint replacement and deck overlay on IL 161 at Walnut Street and ICG/BandN RR (SN 061-0079).
084-76N21 Executed 06/15/2020 1 5 8 St. Clair Bridge repair, joint repair and deck overlay on Lebanon Road over Schoenberger Creek, west of IL 161 (SN 082-0258).
085-76N25 Executed 06/02/2020 5 8 Monroe 0.1 miles of resurfacing along IL 156 bridge approach pavements at Prairie Du Long Creek Road (SN 067-0039).
086-76N28 Executed 06/08/2020 5 8 Madison 0.5 miles of resurfacing on IL 160 from 0.1 miles south of Trestle Road to US 40 in the City of Highland.
087-76N32 Rejected 05/06/2020 5 8 Clinton Resurfacing and patching of Old US 50 from Hilmes Road to Carter Street and patching on Old US 50 from Carter Street to IL 127.
088-76N44 Executed 06/08/2020 1 / 1 5 8 Madison Bridge painting along IL 143 at NandW, ICG and Cornrail Railroad, 0.3 miles east of IL 3 (SN 060-0212).
089-76N45 Executed 06/08/2020 1 / 1 5 8 Madison Bridge painting along I-270 over MCT Nickel Plate Bike Trail, 1.4 miles east of IL 157 (SN 060-0051 and 060-0052).
090-76N46 Executed 06/15/2020 2 / 2 5 8 Clinton Bridge painting on US 50 over North Walnut Street in Breese (SN 014-0066 and 014-0067)
091-78749 Executed 06/03/2020 5 9 Various Installing retroreflective backplates on traffic signals along IL 149 and IL 13 from 20th Street in Murphysboro to US 45 in Harrisburg.
092-78759 Executed 06/03/2020 1 / 1 1 5 9 Hardin 7.6 miles of patching, HMA surface removal, resurfacing, rumble strips and aggregate shoulders on IL 34 from the Pope County line to just north of IL 146.
093-78762 Executed 06/03/2020 1 5 9 Alexander, Union 23.5 miles of HMA surface removal, HMA surface course, HMA binder course, PCC sidewalks, paint pavement marking and raised reflective pavement markers on IL 127 from IL 146 in Jonesboro to IL 3 in Alexander County.
094-78764 Executed 06/03/2020 5 9 Saline 7.2 miles of resurfacing on US 45 / IL 34 from Locust Street in Harrisburg to IL 142 in Eldorado.
095-78765 Executed 06/08/2020 5 9 Alexander 1.1 miles of HMA surface removal and resurfacing on IL 146 from the Mississippi River Bridge to Bader Lane in East Cape.
096-78767 Executed 07/22/2020 5 9 Jackson Installation of radar detection at the intersection of IL 149 / IL 127 and 5th Street in Murphysboro.
097-78781 Executed 06/03/2020 1 / 1 1 5 9 Jackson 75 feet of paved shoulder removal, HMA shoulders, permanent sheet piling and earth excavation to repair the existing slope on US 51 just north of the Big Muddy River Bridge (SN 039-0065).
098-64P10 Executed 06/08/2020 3 / 3 1 2 2 Winnebago Microsilica concrete overlay and deck patching on SN 101-0166 carrying US 20 WB over Grove Creek.
099-64P32 Executed 05/29/2020 1 / 1 2 2 Various Maintain and service all Intelligent Transportation System equipment located in the Department's Districts 2 and 3 to ensure the safety of the motoring public.
100-66K45 Executed 05/29/2020 2 3 LaSalle 3P milling and resurfacing (designed overlay) and ADA from Bureau County Line to IL 251 in Mendota.
101-66K58 Executed 05/29/2020 2 3 Bureau Milling 3" and resurfacing 3.75" on the first mile, the rest of the project will be milled and resurfaced with 3.75" of HMA. The city of Princeton will participate with milling and resurfacing the parking lanes and ADA improvements. Minor drainage improvements are included. The project length is 1.34 miles.
102-62K21 Executed 05/19/2020 1 / 1 1 1 Cook Bridge Deck Overlay and Bridge Repairs on I-57 over Little Calumet River in Dixmoor.
103-66968 Executed 05/29/2020 2 3 Bureau 3P milling and resurfacing on FAP 613 (US 34) from Henry County Line to 1200N Rd in Bureau County.
104-66J41 Executed 06/08/2020 2 / 2 2 3 DeKalb Milling and resurfacing 2.75" on mainline pavement and parking located mainly on IL 23 from Sycamore and ending in Genoa. ADA improvements, guardrail updates , and minor drainage work are also included.
105-66J63 Executed 06/08/2020 10 / 9 1 2 3 Kankakee 3.069 miles of milling and resurfacing from 0.1 mile N of Armour Rd in Bourbonnais to IL 17 in Kankakee.
106-70D73 Executed 06/08/2020 1 / 1 3 5 McLean Rest area improvement at Funks Grove Rest Area.
107-70E40 Executed 06/30/2020 1 3 5 DeWitt, McLean 25.55 miles of patching Macon/DeWitt to 2.9 miles S of I-74/US 51 interchange.
108-72E00 Executed 06/22/2020 1 4 6 Logan 4.8 miles of milling, resurfacing, shoulder reconstruction and guardrail on US 136 from 0.3 miles west of I-155 to East Union Road. Also includes microsilica overlay, median replacement, preformed joint strip seal and formed concrete repair on SN 054-0079.
109-72E23 Executed 05/27/2020 4 6 Logan 3 miles of resurfacing on I-155 from 2 miles south of US 136 to the Tazwell County line. Also includes bridge repair on SN 054-0078 carrying Emden Road over I-155.
110-72H51 Executed 05/19/2020 4 6 Sangamon New bridge decks and slope wall repairs on I-72 over Wabash Avenue and on I-72 over NSRR in Springfield. (SN 084-0127, 084-0128, 084-0148, 084-0149)
111-72L49 Executed 06/15/2020 4 6 Macoupin Patching on various routes in Macoupin County.
112-68A81 Executed 05/29/2020 3 4 Peoria Resurfacing on IL 29 from 0.2 mile S of Cloverdale Rd in Chillicothe to Dickison Run Creek, N of IL 6 in Peoria County.
113-68C92 Executed 06/03/2020 3 4 Peoria Intersection improvement at IL Rte 40 and Lake Ave in Peoria. (Offset left turn lanes.)
114-68D41 Executed 06/10/2020 1 / 1 3 4 Knox Replacement of both structures carrying I-74 over French Creek, Class B patching, variable depth milling, placement of HMA, HMA shoulders, and placement of pavement markings in Knox County.
115-68F20 Executed 07/22/2020 1 / 1 3 4 Peoria, Tazewell Replacement of traffic signal mast arms at various locations in Peoria and Tazewell Counties.
116-74917 Executed 06/10/2020 4 7 Macon Patching, milling and HMA resurfacing on Old US 36 (Eldorado) from the Sangamon County line to US 36.
117-76J71 Deleted 03/13/2020 5 8 Randolph Milling and filling mainline, parking lanes, and shoulders, guardrail improvements, ADA upgrades, storm sewer, and scour mitigation under SN 079-0002; along IL 3 from 0.2 miles south of 1st Street in Ruma to the Monroe County line. , Milling and filling mainline, parking lanes, and shoulders, guardrail improvements, ADA upgrades, storm sewer, and scour mitigation under SN 079-0002; along IL 3 from 0.2 miles south of 1st Street in Ruma to the Monroe County line.
118-72L68 Executed 06/03/2020 4 6 Pike Drainage improvements and patching on IL 106 from IL 96 to 0.1 miles east of IL 96.
119-76M58 Executed 06/24/2020 5 8 Various Maintenance and service of all ITS equipment at various locations throughout District 8.
120-76M60 Executed 06/03/2020 5 8 Various Repair and maintenance of highway lighting and traffic signals at various locations throughout District 8.
121-76N20 Executed 06/15/2020 5 8 Various Patching at various locations throughout District 8.
122-76N35 Executed 06/08/2020 5 8 Various Weed spraying along I-64, I-55, I-55/70, I-255 and IL 255 in District 8.
123-76N66 Executed 05/27/2020 10 / 10 1 5 8 Madison 12 miles of resurfacing on I-270 from 0.5 miles east of IL 3 to 0.5 miles east of I-55/70.
124-46541 Executed 06/03/2020 4 6 Various Pavement marking on various routes in various conties in District 6.
125-62D42 Executed 06/08/2020 1 1 1 Cook Bridge removal, roadway widening and sidewalk improvements on Pulaski Road at Ford City Drive in the City of Chicago. (SN 016-0750)
126-62G85 Executed 06/08/2020 3 / 3 1 1 Will Removal and replacement of the culvert, constructing a new culvert under a driveway, filling existing culvert under roadway, guardrail removal and replacement. (SN 099-0450,SN 099-0441)
127-62H79 Rejected 05/06/2020 4 / 4 1 1 1 Will Traffic Signal modernization and Traffic Signal Retroreflective Backplate Installation at various locations in the City of Joliet.
128-62J17 Executed 06/08/2020 1 1 Various Drainage improvements on routes IL 47, IL 31, IL 19, IL 58 and US 41 in the Village of Algonquin, Niles, Roselle, Skokie and Unincorpated McHenry County.
129-62K31 Executed 06/08/2020 4 / 4 1 1 1 Cook Bridge repair, bridge joint repair, and bridge deck overlay on the structure carrying Ashland Ave at Cal Sag Channel in Blue Island.
130-64M07 Executed 06/10/2020 2 / 2 1 2 2 Winnebago 1.49 miles of HMA resurfacing and ADA improvements on BUS Rte US 20 (West State Street) from Merdian Rd to Springfield Ave in Rockford.
131-64N35 Executed 06/15/2020 2 2 Ogle Cold milling, pavement patching, and HMA resurfacing on IL 2 from Pines Rd to Jefferson St in Oregon.
132-64N58 Executed 06/15/2020 2 2 Stephenson Cold milling, pavement patching, and HMA resurfacing on eastbound US 20 0.6 mile W of IL 26 to IL 75.
133-66K92 Executed 05/27/2020 2 / 2 2 3 Bureau Furnishing and installing stone dumped riprap to armor existing foreslope erosion on NB I-180 0.2 mile S of TR 281 (SN 006-0126).
134-70B38 Executed 06/08/2020 2 / 2 1 3 5 Champaign Bridge replacements under mattis ave. NW of Champaign.
135-70B98 Executed 06/10/2020 3 / 3 3 5 Champaign Bridge replacement under US 150 NW of Champaign.
136-70E28 Executed 06/08/2020 3 5 Edgar 0.041 Mile of pavement removal, earth excavation, and jointed PCC pavement at the sign shop parking lot in Paris.
137-72F27 Deleted 03/16/2020 4 6 Sangamon Culvert replacement and resurfacing on IL 123 just east of IL 29 and Old IL 29 just south of IL 123.
138-72G46 Executed 06/15/2020 1 / 1 4 6 Sangamon 4.9 miles of milling, resurfacing, bridge repair and bridge joint repair on I-55 from north of the Glenarm interchange to 0.2 miles south of the Lake Springfield Bridge, and on East Lakeshore Drive from west of Hunt Road to 0.6 miles north of Chatham Road.
139-74710 Rejected 05/06/2020 1 / 1 4 7 Macon Pavement patching, milling, HMA resurfacing, traffic signals and traffic control.
140-46907 Rejected 05/06/2020 1 / 1 1 4 7 Shelby Resurfacing of roadway and parking areas, dump station improvements, aggregate resurfacing of camp sites, drainage improvements and site lighting at Wolf Creek State Park, northwest of Windsor.
141-46908 Executed 06/24/2020 5 / 5 5 9 Massac Replacement of a 3-span structure (SN 064-9900) with a 3-span, 128'-4" PCC I-beam structure, at Fort Massac State Park in Metropolis.
142-46910 Executed 06/03/2020 1 / 1 5 8 Randolph Resurfacing of the park roads and parking lots, pavement marking, sidewalk upgrades, the replacement of culverts and campsite paving at multiple locations: Fort Kaskaskia State Historic Site in Ellis Grove; Pierre Menard Home State Historic Site in Ellis Grove; and Fort De Chartres State Historic Site in Prairie Du Rocher.
143-74779 Rejected 05/06/2020 1 / 1 4 7 Macon 9.3 miles of milling, patching, resurfacing, HMA and aggregate wedge shoulders on US 51 from 0.5 miles north of the Shelby County line to the US Business 51 interchange southwest of Decatur.
144-61G43 Executed 06/15/2020 1 1 McHenry Construction of a multi-use path adjacent to Reed Road from Vine Street to IL 47 in the Village of Huntley.
145-85685 Executed 05/27/2020 2 2 Lee Resurfacing, sidewalk replacement, and pavement markings on various routes in City of Dixon.
146-87702 Executed 06/15/2020 1 / 1 1 2 3 Kendall Resurfacing and sidewalk replacement on Lew Street from Church Street to Main Street in the city of Plano.
147-87724 Deleted 03/19/2020 2 3 Ford Replace the bridge carrying CH 2 over Wall Town Drainage Ditch, 5 miles west of Loda. , Replace the bridge carrying CH 2 over Wall Town Drainage Ditch, 5 miles west of Loda.
148-87729 Executed 06/24/2020 2 3 Livingston Replace the bridge carrying TR 41D over Mud Creek, 2.5 miles southeast of Blackstone.
149-89772 Executed 05/29/2020 3 4 McDonough Sidewalk remmoval and replacement including ADA ramps on various routes in the City of Colchester.
150-89773 Executed 06/03/2020 3 / 3 1 3 4 Peoria Construction of new sidewalks and a refuge island, signing and lighting improvements on IL 91, located south of Copperfield Drive in the Village of Dunlap.
151-91590 Executed 06/08/2020 3 5 DeWitt Sidewalk construction on John Street from Allen Steet to Water Street in Farmer City.
152-93735 Executed 05/27/2020 4 6 Morgan Reconstruction of East State Street from Mauvaisterre Street to Clay Street in Jacksonville.
153-93738 Executed 06/15/2020 4 6 Logan Rehabilitate the bridge carrying CH 6 over Salt Creek, 2.0 miles north of Chestnut.
154-93739 Executed 06/15/2020 4 / 3 1 4 6 Montgomery Guardrail and traffic barrier replacement at various locations throughout Montgomery County.
155-93742 Rejected 05/06/2020 4 6 Pike Bituminous surface treatment on various routes throughout Pike County.
156-93744 Executed 06/10/2020 4 6 Montgomery Resurfacing CH 7 from the Christian County line to Nokomis Blacktop.
157-95861 Executed 06/22/2020 2 / 0 1 4 7 Macon Reconstruction of Broadway Street from IL 121 to West Main Street in Mt. Zion.
158-95868 Executed 06/15/2020 4 7 Crawford Construction of 7" PCC pavment on Highland Avenue from Lincoln Street to Rector Avenue and on Rector Avenue from Highland Avenue to Mefford Drive in Robinson.
159-95870 Executed 06/15/2020 4 7 Macon Replace the bridge carrying Taylor Road over Ward Branch, 0.6 miles south of IL 48 in Decatur.
160-97724 Executed 06/15/2020 5 8 St. Clair Resurfacing Sullivan Drive from 0.1 mile south of Longacre Drive to Frank Scott Parkway in Belleville.
161-97726 Rejected 06/08/2020 2 / 2 5 8 Greene Sidewalk construction at various locations in the city of Carrollton.
162-97728 Executed 06/08/2020 3 / 3 5 8 Greene Guardrail replacement at various locations throughout Greene County.
163-97729 Executed 06/15/2020 5 8 St. Clair Resurfacing Seven Hills Road from O'Fallon Troy Road to State Street in the City of O'Fallon.
164-99636 Executed 06/08/2020 5 9 White Replace the bridge carrying TR 181 over Gowdy Creek, 1 mile northwest of Enfield.
165-99641 Executed 06/03/2020 5 9 Hamilton Soil cement base with an A-3 bituminous surface treatment on CH 6 from 800 North Road to Dale Road.
166-99642 Executed 06/22/2020 5 9 Williamson Resurfacing Crenshaw Road from Skyline Road to Pease Road.
167-62D36 Executed 05/21/2020 4 / 4 2 1 1 McHenry Project 14,023 LF. Pavement widening, pavement reconstruction, construction of a turnabout, curb and gutter, sidewalk, proposed drainage. replacement of a box culvert with three box culverts and two retaining walls.
168-60D77 Executed 05/21/2020 11 / 11 2 1 1 Cook Roadway Construction and ramp rehab. Includes replace. concrete deck, bearings expansion joint and wingwalls. Substructure will be repaired. Project 3,709 LF. , Project 3,709 LF. Roadway reconstruction and ramp bridge rehab. Replacement of concrete deck, bearings, expansion joint and wingwall. Substructure will be repaired.
169-62A76 Executed 06/03/2020 13 / 13 2 1 1 Cook 9,508 FT Construction and widening the Kennedy mainline Expwy NB from Roosevelt Rd. to Lake/Madison Sts, construction/rehab. of 10 ret. walls total, lighting, ITS, interstate resurfacing from the north. project limits to Ohio St through Hubbard's Cave.
170-62A77 Executed 06/03/2020 8 / 8 2 1 1 Cook Construction and wideing the Kennedy mainline Expwy SB from Lake/Madison St. to Roosevelt Rd., rehab. of 3 exist. ret. walls, lighting, ITS, interstate resurfacing from the north limits to Ohio St. thru Hubbard's Cave. Construction of detention storage under the AIS.
171-74904 Executed 06/10/2020 2 / 2 1 4 7 Lawrence 5.9 miles of patching, milling, resurfacing, aggregate wedge shoulder and culvert replacement on IL 250 from US 50 in Sumner to 0.7 miles west of Bridgeport Road.
172-74938 Executed 09/22/2020 4 7 Wabash Washing and sealing the bridge deck on SN 093-0021 carrying IL 15 over the Wabash River in Mt. Carmel.
173-60V40 Executed 06/10/2020 8 / 8 1 1 1 Will Intersection channelization and new traffic signal on US-6. (Maple Rd.) at Gougar Rd. Proposed intersection lighting.
174-64P12 Executed 05/29/2020 2 2 Various Removal of dead trees along state maintained routes.
175-61G06 Executed 06/03/2020 2 1 1 DuPage Construction of a PCC multi-use path, curb and gutter, culvert extension, storm sewer and pavement markings. Located on the east side of IL 83 from Bryn Mawr Avenue to Foster Avenue in Bensenville.
176-85693 Executed 05/19/2020 2 2 Lee Resurfacing 4th Avenue from Galena Avenue to Lincoln Highway in Dixon.
177-85694 Executed 06/15/2020 2 2 Ogle Replace the bridge carrying Water Road over Mill Creek, 5.0 miles northeast of Leaf River.
178-87733 Rejected 05/06/2020 1 / 1 1 2 3 Kankakee Construction of a raised median, sidewalk replacement, curb and gutter, flashing beacons, pedestrian push buttons and pavement markings on IL 17 from Orchard Road to Hunter Avenue in Kankakee.
179-87736 Executed 06/03/2020 2 3 Grundy Sidewalk replacement and construction, and pavement martings at various locations in Mazon.
180-89774 Executed 06/03/2020 3 4 Henderson Sidewalk replacement, new sidewalks, solar signing and pavement markings on South Street from Dixon Street to Jones Street, and Dixon Street at South Street in Stronghurst.
181-93741 Executed 06/22/2020 4 6 Cass Construct PPC sidewalk along Wall Street from 15th Street to 4th Street in Beardstown.
182-93743 Executed 06/08/2020 1 / 1 4 6 Adams Replace the bridge carrying North 900th Avenue over Tournear Creek, 0.8 miles east of Plainville Road.
183-97722 Executed 06/15/2020 5 8 Madison Replace the bridge carrying Pin Oak Road over Little Mooney Creek, 0.50 miles east of Edwardsville.
184-97727 Executed 06/15/2020 5 8 Monroe Resurfacing on Hanover Road from the GMandO Railroad to IL 3, and construction of right turn lane from Hanover Road onto southbound IL 3.
185-99640 Executed 06/03/2020 4 / 4 1 5 9 Jackson Construction of ADA Ramps on IL 149 from 21st Street to 22nd Street in Murphysboro
186-61G02 Executed 06/03/2020 7 / 7 2 1 1 Kane New construction/extension of Longmeadow Parkway from west of Sandbloom road to IL 25, and construction of a new bridge over Sandbloom Road in Carpentersville
187-85645 Executed 06/15/2020 7 / 6 1 2 2 Carroll Replace the bridge carrying Ideal Road over the BNSF Railroad and reconstruction of IL 40 at Ideal Road, 2.0 miles northwest of Milledgville.
188-89771 Executed 05/29/2020 1 / 1 3 4 McDonough Sidewalk replacement, construction of a segmental block wall and pavement markings on Grant Street at McArthur School in Macomb.
189-93745 Executed 06/03/2020 4 6 Hancock Microsurfacing TR 401 from IL 336 to the west corporate limits of Bowen, and Micorsurfacing FAS 432 from South Street in Augusta to the Adams County line.
190-97678 Executed 06/22/2020 2 / 2 1 5 8 Madison Resurfacing, curb and gutter replacement, sidewalks, pavement markings on Pearl Street from the Kansas City Southern Railroad tracks to Humbert Road in Godfrey.
191-97725 Executed 06/15/2020 1 / 1 1 5 8 Madison Resurfacing on State Street from 0.1 miles north of Delmar Avenue to 0.1 mile south of Rozier Street in Alton.
192-99635 Executed 06/08/2020 5 9 Saline Replace the bridge carrying Hagen Road over Indian Creek, 2.0 miles northwest of Eldorado.
193-99637 Executed 06/08/2020 5 9 Union Replace the bridge carrying Wilderness Retreat Road over Cooper Creek, 3.0 miles west of Mill Creek.
194-87730 Executed 06/22/2020 4 / 4 1 2 3 DeKalb Construction of a multi-use trial from existing Great Western Trail to Pleasant Street. The project is located within the DeKalb County Forest Preserve District, in the City of Sycamore and unincorporated Dekalb County.
195-76N18 Executed 07/22/2020 1 / 1 5 8 Bond Bridge joint repairs and HMA overlay with bridge repairs on IL 127 / IL 140 over East Fork Shoal Creek, 0.2 miles west of Greenville (SN 003-0051 and SN 003-0057).
196-62K09 Executed 06/03/2020 1 1 1 Various Weed spraying at various locations within District One.
197-72H83 Executed 06/10/2020 4 6 Pike Resurfacing, ADA ramp improvements, signal improvements and geometric design improvements on US 54 / IL 106 through Pittsfield. Also includes pavement patching at the Pittsfield Weigh Station.
198-70C64 Executed 06/15/2020 2 / 2 2 3 5 Champaign Bridge superstrucure replacements over ICRR/TR 158 (Oak St) and over FAU 7169 Market St in Champaign.
199-91579 Executed 06/15/2020 3 5 DeWitt Resurfacing Center Street from Adams Street to VanBuren Street, and from Woodlawn Street to Washington in the City of Clinton.
200-74958 Executed 06/03/2020 1 / 1 4 7 Various District-wide repair and/or replacement of steel plate beam guardrail damaged by motorists.
201-76N24 Executed 06/15/2020 5 8 St. Clair 2.4 miles of patching on 6th Street from IL 177 to IL 161.
202-62K36 Rejected 07/02/2020 1 1 Cook, DuPage The improvement consists of Litter/Debris Removal from the edge of the pavement to the Pedestrian Barrier adjacent to the State-Owned Expressway. 200 miles in length.
203-62K39 Rejected 07/02/2020 1 1 Cook, Lake The improvement consists of Litter/Debris Removal from the edge of the pavement to the pedestrian Barrier I-94 (Edens Expressway)/US 41 (Skokie Hwy) expressway from Clavey Rd to I-90 (Kennedy Expwy). 147 miles in length.
204-62K40 Rejected 07/02/2020 1 1 Cook The improvement consists of Litter/Debris Removal from the edge of the pavement to the Pedestrian Barrier on I-90; I-90/94 expressways from W of US 12/45 Mannheim Rd to Congress Pkwy. 185 miles in length.
205-62K41 Rejected 07/02/2020 1 1 Cook The improvement consists of Litter/Debris Removal from the edge of the pavement to the pedestrian barrier on I-90/94 (Dan Ryan Expy) from Congress Pkwy to I-57/I-94 Bishop Ford Expy). 360 miles in length.
206-62K42 Rejected 07/02/2020 1 1 Cook The improvement consists of Litter/Debris Removal from the edge of the pavement to the pedestrian barrier on I-57 expressway from I 94 (Dan Ryan Expwy) to I-80. 275 miles in length.
207-62K43 Rejected 07/02/2020 1 1 Cook The improvement consists of Litter/Debris Removal from the edge of the pavement to the pedestrian barrier on 1) FAI 94: I-94 from I-90/94 (Dan Ryan Expwy) to I-80; 2) FAP 341: Stony Island from I-94 to US 12(95th St); 3) FAU 1574: 103rd St from Cottage Groove to Stony Island. 175 miles in length.
208-62K44 Rejected 07/02/2020 1 1 Cook, Will The improvement consists of Litter/Debris Removal from the edge of the pavement to the pedestrian barrier on I-80 Expwy from I-294 to I-355. 325 miles in length.
209-62K45 Rejected 07/02/2020 1 1 Will The improvement consists of Litter/Debris Removal from the edge of the pavement to the pedestrian barrier on I-80 Expwy from I-355 to Kendall County Line. 240 miles in length.
01A-TR009 Executed 04/06/2021 2 2 Carroll Airfield Pavement Maintenance including Crack Sealing and Re-Marking
02A-WH014 Executed 10/20/2020 2 2 Whiteside Rehabilitate Runway 18/36 lighting circuits
03A-ED019 Executed 04/06/2021 3 5 Edgar Rehabilitate Partial Parallel Taxiway to Runway 9/27
04A-LK013 Rejected 06/15/2020 1 1 1 McHenry Obstruction Evaluation, Obstruction Removal, and Runway Threshold Remarking
05A-VA021 Executed 05/06/2021 1 / 1 1 4 7 Fayette Rehabilitation of Airport Entrance Road and Auto Parking Lot
1LR-M1906 Active 04/18/2020 0 0 Saline Voluntary Remedial Reclamation of the Richardson C.C. abandoned mine site by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources using federal Abandoned Mine Land Funds
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