Home > Notice of Letting > Contract Detail

April 26, 2024 Letting 12:00 PM

Bulletin Description

6.3 miles of crack and joint sealing on I-70 from 0.1 miles west of Prairie Road to the Bond County line.
Region District DBE % VBP % Federal Project #
5 8 20.00 0.00 NHPPQEPB(939)
County(s) Key Route(s) Marked Route(s) Section(s) State Job #(s) PPS #(s)
  • Madison
  • FAI 70
  • I-70
  • 60-(13,14,15)CJS-1
  • C-98-090-22
  • 8-00888-0000
Contract Specifics
25 Working Days
No More Contract Specifics

Ask Subscribe Questions and Answers (0 Submitted / 0 Answered ) Questions not accepted as of April 16, 2024 04:30 PM.

Authorized Bidders

  • 1175 Complete Asphalt Service Co.
    1601 Kamar Drive
    Pittsfield, IL 62363
    PO Box 457
    Pittsfield, IL 62363
    Phone: (217) 285-6099 Fax: (217) 285-6094 Email: casco3@frontier.com

  • 1882 Freehill Asphalt, Inc.
    103 Yount Ave
    Watseka, IL 60970
    PO Box 154
    Watseka, IL 60970
    Phone: (815) 432-5438 Fax: (815) 432-5439 Email: thomasfreehill@sbcglobal.net

  • 3163 Kinney Contractors, Inc.
    19342 E. Frontage Rd.
    Raymond, IL 62560
    Phone: (217) 229-3322 Fax: (217) 229-3609 Email: kinney@roadbuilder.net

  • 5289 SKC Construction, Inc.
    695 Church Road
    Elgin, IL 60123
    P.O. Box 503
    West Dundee, IL 60118
    Phone: (847) 214-9800 Fax: (847) 214-9041 Email: ttabor@skcconstruction.net

Non Bidders

  • No requests received
Pay Item # UOM Description Type Quantity Unit Price
45100100 FOOT CRACK ROUTING (PAVEMENT) Base items 209,988.000
45100200 POUND CRACK FILLING Base items 83,995.000
67100100 L SUM MOBILIZATION Base items 1.000
70107025 CAL DA CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN Base items 106.000
78001130 FOOT PAINT PAVEMENT MARKING - LINE 6" Base items 149,211.000
No More Pay Items

The contract details above are for informational purposes only until the Plans and Special Provisions are posted on this web page. If an addendum is posted, the contract details above may be revised. Please continue to check for addenda.