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April 25, 2025 Letting 12:00 PM
Notice of Letting
Volume 028, No. 012

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Item-Contract Status Status Date Q&A Sub/Ans Addendums Region District Counties Pre-Bid Meeting Bulletin Description
01X-68E44 Active 03/13/2025 3 4 Peoria, Tazewell Painting, deck replacement, and repairs to the westbound McClugage Bridge (SN 090-0115) carrying US 150 over the Illinois River and painting, deck replacement, and repairs to SN 02-0168 carrying westbound US 150 over IL29/ NE Adams St. 1.29 miles gross length.
001-46657 Active 03/10/2025 1 / 0 4 7 Various Removal and replacement of existing interstate guide signs and logo signs, including the transfer of the business service signs, at various locations on I-70 from Exit 119 to Exit 154.
002-46659 Active 03/10/2025 2 2 Various Placing various widths of Preformed Plastic and Modified Urethane pavement marking lines, letters, and symbols within the limits specified on each individual work order within District 2.
003-46660 Active 03/10/2025 2 2 Various Removing and replacing reflectors, removing damaged raised reflective pavement marker castings, and placing new raised reflective pavement marker castings within the limits shown on each individual work order within District 2.
004-46662 Active 03/10/2025 2 3 Various Removing and replacing raised reflective pavement markers and reflectors in Bureau, Grundy, Kendall, LaSalle, and Putnam Counties.
005-46663 Active 03/10/2025 2 3 Various Removing and replacing raised reflective pavement markers and reflectors_on various highways in Ford, Iroquois, Kankakee, and Livingston Counties.
006-46666 Active 03/10/2025 2 2 Various Maintenance of signs and delineators along state maintained routes in District 2.
007-46940 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Grundy Roadway and parking lot improvements (HMA resurfacing, removal and replacement of existing parking lot, drainage improvements, ADA sidewalk, and pavement marking and other work) within the_Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area in Grundy County. 1.4 miles gross length internal park roads.
008-46945 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 Douglas HMA resurfacing of roadway and parking areas, striping of parking areas, culvert replacements, sign replacements, aggregate resurfacing of camp sites and hunting lots, guardrail replacement, dump station reconstruction, site lighting replacements, installation of electric vehicle charging stations, and other miscellaneous improvement items at the Walnut Point State Park (IDNR) in Douglas County. 5.1 miles gross length.
009-61G79 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 DuPage Widening the North Aurora road underpass and construction of railroad Bridges to carry WCL and BNSF Railways over North Aurora Road in Naperville.
010-61K19 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook HMA resurfacing on Landmeier Road from Lively Boulevard to Cambridge Drive in Grove Village. Includes; patching, curb and gutter, storm sewer, sidewalks, traffic signal relocation, and ADA improvements.
011-61K44 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Will Construct an HMA shared-use path with pedestrial bridge and two boardwalks from 265th strett to the south end of the existing trail south of Burville Rd.
012-61K61 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Will Construction of three 7'X 5' precast concrete box culverts to carry Woodcreek Drive over Lily Cache Lane Tributary in Bollingbrook. Includes; lighting, HMA Pavement, curb and gutter, and sidewalks.
013-61K95 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 DuPage HMA resurfacing on Lombard Rod from Army Trail Boulevard to Lake Street in Addison. Includes; ADA improvements, storm sewers, and Landscaping.
014-61K96 Deleted 03/12/2025 1 1 Lake HMA resurfacing and shoulder widening of Saunders Road from Duffy Lane to Riverwoods Road in Riverwoods.
015-61L06 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook Construct a shared-use path and roadway reconstruction at various locations in Park Forest.
016-61L29 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 DuPage HMA resurfacing on Fairfield Way between Lake Street and Bloomingdale Road in Bloomingdale. Includes; Patching, curb and gutter, and frame and grate adjustments.
017-61L31 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Lake Resurfacing, curb and gutter, and sidewalk replacement on Sheridan Road from Washington Street to south of Liberty Street in Waukegan.
018-61L32 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Lake Resurfcing, curb and gutter, and sidewalk replacement on Galilee Avenue from 21st Street to 33rd Street in Zion.
019-61L33 Active 03/06/2025 1 / 0 1 1 Cook Resurfacing on Shermer Road from Golf road to East Lake Avenue in Glenview. Includes; patching, curb and gutter, and ADA improvements.
020-61L41 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook Sidewalk removal and replacement on various routes in Evanston.
021-62J72 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Kane (5,107-Ft) Designed Overlay and ADA Improvements: HMA surface removal and replacement, Class D patches, sidewalk and curb removal and replacement, drainage structures adjustments, minor traffic signal (APS) improvements, detector loops replacement, pavement markings. Located along ILL 31/ ILL 56 (State Street) from I-88 to North River Road within the Village of North Aurora
022-62J79 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook IL 64: Gross Length (5.53 miles), Net Length = (5.05 miles) Frontage Rd: (500 feet) Designed Overlay, Drainage and ADA Improvements. The project is located within the City of Northlake, Villages of Melrose Park, River Forest, Stone Park, River Grove and Elmwood Park in Cook County, Illinois.
023-62R02 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook This is a curb ramp for sidewalk ADA improvements, HMA surface removal and overlay, sidewalk removal, combination concrete curb and gutter removal and replacement, concrete sidewalk and detectable warnings, drainage structure adjustments, placement of pavement markings. This work is located on various State maintained arterial routes within Cook County.
024-62R62 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook (1,239-Ft) Bridge Replacement Project for Michigan City Rd., bridge over I-94 (SN 016-1068) and reconstruction of a new bridge (SN 016-8320 and a new concrete retaining wall, underpass lighting at two locations and High Mast Lighting Towers (HMLT) modifications within I-94 corridor in Cook County, Village of Dolton, IL
025-62T20 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook (1.37-Mile) Smart Overlay and pedestrian ramp (ADA) consists of hot-mix asphalt surface removal, pavement patching, combination concrete curb and gutter removal and replacement, concrete sidewalk removal replacement, resurfacing with hot-mix asphalt surface course, thermoplastic pavement markings. Located in the Village of Midlothian and City of Oak Forest in Bremen Township in Cook County.
026-62T27 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Will (3,073-Ft) Bridge repairs on (S.N.099-0292), includes bridge deck scarification latex concrete overlay, joint reconstruction, bearings and substructures repair repairs and bearing painting. The roadway work encompasses concrete scarification, butt joints, asphalt overlay, removal and replacement of the median, and curb and gutter, reconstruction of a catch basin and adjustment of inlets. Located along IL 171 (N. State St.) over Fiddyment Creek in the City of Lockport in Will County, Illinois.
027-62V35 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Will (4857.6-Ft) Smart overlay consists of hot-mix asphalt surface removal, pavement patching, resurfacing with hot-mix asphalt surface course, placement of thermoplastic pavement markings. Located on Illinois Route FAP 112, IL 53 (Independence Blvd), it begins N of University Pkwy and ends at Renwick Rd. in the City of Lockport in Will County.
028-62V36 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook (3.59-Mile) Smart Overlay and ADA improvements consists of asphalt surface removal, pavement patching, resurfacing with polymerized asphalt surface course drainage structures adjustment and cleaning, thermoplastic pavement markings, sidewalk curb ramps, accessible pedestrian signal (APS). Located within the municipal limits of the Village of Oak Lawn, Village of Alsip, and City of Chicago, in Cook County, IL.
029-62V37 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Kane (2.08-Mile). Smart HMA surface removal and overlay, pavement widening, ADA curb ramp improvements, APS improvements, pavement widening, pavement markings, This project is located along IL 64 (Main Street) and begins just west of 13th Avenue and extends in an easterly direction to Kautz Road/Smith Road. This project is located within the City of St. Charles in Kane County.
030-62V38 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Lake (2.07-Mile) Pavement Patching, hot-mix asphalt surface removal and resurfacing, pavement patching, aggregate wedge shoulder and thermoplastic pavement marking. This improvement is in Village of Old Mill Creek and Unincorporated Lake Villa and Antioch Township in Lake County.
031-62V41 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook (3,705-Ft) Pavement patching, asphalt pavement removal and replacement, combination curb and gutter removal and replacement, thermoplastic pavement marking. This project in the Village of Arlington Heights, Cook County.
032-62V53 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 McHenry (2,646-Ft) Standard Overlay consists of pavement patching, hot-mix asphalt surface removal, hot-mix asphalt surface and level binder resurfacing, shoulder and centerline rumble strips, placement of thermoplastic pavement markings on US 20 (Grant Highway) from 0.2 Miles Southeast of Harmony Road to Getty Road in Coral Township.
033-62V54 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook (3,000-Ft) SMART Overlay, ADA Improvements HMA surface removal and resurfacing, sidewalk removal, pavement markings, combination curb and gutter removal and replacement, concrete sidewalk and detectable warnings, drainage structure adjustments and pedestrian ramp. Located on US 41 (Skokie Blvd) from South of Old Glenview Road to North of Golf Road within the Villages of Skokie.
034-62V56 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook (2.70-Mile) Standard and Designed Overlay, ADA Improvements Accessible pedestrian signal additions, pavement marking restriping. Project located on IL 171 (Archer Avenue) from South of Ogden Avenue to West of Harlem Avenue, in the Villages of Summit, McCook, and Lyons in Cook County.
035-62V61 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook (2.55-Mile) Standard Overlay and ADA sidewalk ramp improvement, pavement patching, milling of HMA surface, placing HMA surface course and HMA binder course, drainage structures adjustment and cleaning, pavement markings, ramp improvements located on Pulaski Rd. / Crawford Ave. from S. of 123rd St to 103rd St. in the Villages of Oak Lawn, Alsip and the City of Chicago in Cook County.
036-62V75 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Lake (2.80-Mile) SMART Overlay, Traffic Signal Modernization and ADA Ramp Improvements hot-mix asphalt surface removal, placement of hot mix surface course, pedestrian ramp improvements, pavement patching, placement of pavement markings. Location: IL 59 (Fox Lake Rd) from IL 173 to Highwoods Dr within the Village of Antioch.
037-62V85 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook (4.87- Mile) SMART Overlay, ADA including HMA surface course replacement. Pavement patching and curb and gutter removal and replacement. Curb ramps for sidewalks (ADA) improvements. Drainage structures adjustment and cleaning. New pavement markings and raised reflective pavement markers. Pedestrian signals improvements (APS), detector loops replacement. Location: IL 72 (Higgins Road) from I-290 (Eisenhower Expwy) going East to Northwest of Landmeier Road, within the Villages of Schaumburg and Elk Grove.
038-62V86 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 DuPage (1.929-Mile) SMART Overlay, ADA Improvements: Removing and replace (HMA) surface course, pavement patching and curb removal and replacement, curb ramps, drainage structures adjustment and cleaning, pavement markings, raised reflective pavement markers. Pedestrian signals improvements (APS), detector loops replacement located on IL 53 (Lincoln Avenue), from North of 61st Street to 75th Street in the Villages of Woodridge and Lisle in DuPage County.
039-62V87 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook (1.43-Mile) SMART Overlay and ADA improvement consisting of hot-mix asphalt surface removal, pavement patching, curb and gutter replacement, curb ramps for sidewalks (ADA) improvements, hot-mix asphalt resurfacing, and thermoplastic pavement markings on Western Avenue from south of Broadway Street to Interstate 57 within the City of Blue Island and the Villages of Posen and Dixmoor.
040-62V89 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook (1.27-Mile) SMART Overlay and ADA Improvements: HMA surface removal and replacement, Class D patches, sidewalk and curb removal and replacement, drainage structures adjustments, minor traffic signal (APS) improvements, detector loops replacement, pavement markings. Located along IL 72 (Higgins Road) from Audubon Street to Lexington Drive within the Villages of Hoffman Estates and Schaumburg.
041-62W50 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook (1.08-miles) SMART Overlay, curb ramps for sidewalks (ADA) Improvements, asphalt surface removal, pavement patching, new asphalt surface, curb and gutter removal and replacement, sidewalk removal and replacement, pavement markings, raised reflective pavement markers. Location: IL 53 West Frontage Road from US 12 (Rand Rd) to Anderson Drive, located within the Village of Palatine.
042-62W56 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Various The work under Full Expressway Nighttime Cleaning Cycle and Supplement Sweeping includes the pickup, removal, and proper disposal of debris such as limbs, sticks, leaves, sand, stones, dirt, weeds, deceased animal carcasses, refuse, litter. This work is located on various State maintained expressway routes located within the counties of Cook, DuPage, and Will.
043-62W59 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Lake Trombone Mast Arms replacement project including new traffic signal heads, pedestrian traffic signal heads, accessible pedestrian signals, traffic signal posts, conduits, electric cable, and handholes installations at various locations in District 1.
044-62X20 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook, Will (627-Ft) Bridge Painting project consisting of cleaning and painting steel surfaces. The project is located at the structure No. 1 (SN. 016-1062) carrying I-94 eastbound to I-55 southbound over Archer Avenue/BNSF and ICC RR in the City of Chicago in Cook County, and structure No. 2 (SN. 099-0198) carrying Maple Road Over I-80 in the Village of Mokena in Will County.
045-62X22 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook, Will This is a bridge painting project includes cleaning and painting steel surfaces as designated on the plans. LOCATION #1: New Avenue over Long Run Creek Overflow City of Lockport in Will County (SN: 099-0299). LOCATION #2: US 45 over Hickory Creek Village of Frankfort in Will County (SN: 099-0293). LOCATION #3: IL 43 (Harlem Ave.) over I-80 Village of Tinley Park in Cook County (SN: 016-0325).
046-62X25 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook Partial replacement of the bridge deck thin polymer overlay, partial depth bridge deck repair, cleaning and resealing of relief joints. This project is located at bridge SN 016-0254 on FAP route 345 (US Rte 20) over IL Route 59 and at bridge SN 016-2786 on FAP route 305 (Palatine Rd) over IL Route 21/US 45 Milwaukee Ave in Cook County, Illinois.
047-62X27 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook Replacement of the bridge joint sealers, partial depth approach slab repair, concrete curb repair, concrete parapet repair, replacement of curved bridge fence. This project is located at bridge SN 016-0243 on FAP route 374 (IL Rte 21) over Union Pacific Railroad and at bridge SN 016-0309 on FAP route 348 (IL Rte 43) over Interstate 90 and CTA in Cook County, Illinois.
048-62X32 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Lake (3.38-Mile) Standard and Designed Overlay, ADA Improvements: HMA surface removal and replacement, Class D patches, sidewalk and curb removal and replacement, drainage structures adjustments, detector loops replacement, pavement markings and collateral work. Location 1) Sheridan Road (Naval Station G Street to Moffett Road), Location 2) Scranton Avenue (Green Bay Road to Sheridan Road, both located in the Village of Lake Bluff.
049-62X39 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Lake (126-Ft) Surface Removal and HMA Overlay including guardrail and terminal removal and reinstallation, preformed joint seal removal and replacement, crack routing and filling, pavement markings. Located at the west approach of (S.N. 049-0221) on IL 120 (Belvidere Road) over I-94 in the Village of Libertyville in Lake County, and at the south approach of (S.N. 049-0209) on U.S. 41 (Skokie Highway) over IL 132 (Grand Avenue) in the Village of Gurnee in Lake County.
050-62X40 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Cook The improvement consists of structural repair of concrete on the existing piers abutments. This improvement consists of 8 locations: (1) location is at I-57 at Wentworth Avenue (SN 016-2028) City of Chicago. (2) location is at I-57 at Union Pacific Railroad (SN 016-0071) City of Chicago (3) location is at I-57 at RR Bike Path (SN 016-0070) City of Chicago. (4) location is at I-57 at 107th Street (SN 016-2031) City of Chicago. (5) location is at I-57 at Throop Street (SN 016-2032) City of Chicago. (6) location is at I-57 at 115th Street (SN 016-2037) City of Chicago. (7) location I-57 at 119th Street (SN 016-0904) in Chicago and Calumet Park. (8) location is at I-57 at 125th Street (SN 016-2034) Village of Calumet Park. All within Cook County.
051-62X48 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 McHenry (1.24- Mile) Pavement Grinding project including pavement grooving, remove and replace curb and gutter, pavement markings, concrete class B patching. IL 31 (Western Algonquin Bypass) at South Main Street to North Main Street in the Village of Algonquin within McHenry County.
052-62X85 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Will (1.19-Mile) Pavement Patching includes asphalt surface removal, resurfacing asphalt binder and surface course, aggregate wedge shoulders, grading and shaping shoulders, pavement markings, raised reflective pavement marker. This project is located along I-55 West Frontage Road from South of Stripmine Road to IL 113 (Division Street) in the City of Wilmington and the Village of Diamond in Will County.
053-62X92 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Various The work to be completed under this contract consists of installing fence and gates at new locations and repairing existing damaged pedestrian barrier on a work order basis._This work is located on various State maintained arterial and expressway routes within the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will.
054-62X93 Active 03/06/2025 1 1 Will The work on this improvement consists of modernizing bridge lift gates at structures carrying McDonough Street and Brandon Street over the Des Plaines River. This improvement has 2 locations: the first locations is at McDonough Street (SN: 099-9904) over the Des Plaines River and the second location is at Brandon Street (SN: 099-9903) over the Des Plaines River in Will County.
055-64B40 Active 03/06/2025 1 / 0 2 2 Jo Daviess 4.07 miles of reconstruction of US 20 from 0.2 mile west of Logemann Rd to Rush St in Stockton.
056-64N76 Active 03/06/2025 2 2 Henry Intersection reconstruction including culvert replacement on US 6 and Green Riv River Rd/Osco Rd 0.3 mi W to 0.5 mi E of Osco Rd. 1,500 gross feet.
057-64N98 Active 03/06/2025 2 2 Ogle Reconstruction of the IL 38/I-39 Interchange including replacement of 2 traffic signals, construction of 1 new signal, and new roadway lighting. The project extends on IL 38 from Dement Rd east 2,150 ft.
058-64T78 Active 03/06/2025 2 2 Winnebago 1.72 miles of longitudinal joint repair along US Bus 20 420' west of Mill Rd. to Rockford College Entrance Dr.
059-64T87 Active 03/06/2025 2 2 Whiteside Bridge cleaning and painting of SN 098-0095, carrying IL 84 over Johnson Creek, 2.5 miles north of IL 136 and partial bridge cleaning painting of SN 098-0096, carrying IL 84 over BNSF RR, 2 miles south of Carroll County line.
060-64U13 Active 03/06/2025 2 2 Various LED lighting and coupling replacement on existing poles at the interchange of I-90/IL 75, IL 251 at Rockton Rd., and I-90 Welcome Center in Winnebago County.
061-64U31 Active 03/06/2025 2 2 Carroll 7.6 miles of patching, milling and resurfacing on IL 40 from Marion Ave. in Chadwick to IL 78.
062-66M48 Active 03/06/2025 1 / 0 2 3 Bureau Replacing the deck and approaches, abutment conversion to semi-integral abutments, substructure repairs, slope wall replacement, roadway resurfacing, guardrail replacement as needed, a private driveway reconstruction, and pavement marking on FAP 646 (IL 40) on the south side of Buda at SN 006-0138 carrying FAP 646 over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad.
063-66M99 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Livingston Milling and resurfacing (Standard Overlay) and ADA improvement on US 24 from the Mclean Co line to 0.3 mi E of 7th St in Fairbury City, 4.32 miles gross length.
064-66N61 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Kankakee Installation of a flashing red beacon at each of the stop controlled approaches to the intersection of IL 115 and S 7000 W Rd (Lehigh RD), and installation of a flashing yellow beacon at each of the advanced intersection warning signs adjacent to IL 115.
065-66P37 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Livingston Bridge repairs including paved shoulder replacement, expansion joint replacement, bearing replacement, PPC I-Beam Repairs, approach slab repairs, deck patching and other related construction items at dual Structures, 053-0007 EB and 053-0008 WB carrying O.R. 66 over the Vermilion River, 0.55 miles south of IL Route 23 in Pontiac.
066-66P48 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Livingston Routing and filling the cracks along the centerline, as well as any significant transverse cracks, and pavement markings along various routes in Livingston County. 45.61 miles gross length.
067-66P73 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Grundy Furnishing and installing Buttertfly Dynamic Message Signs on I-80 in Grundy County at M.M. 108.5 and M.M. 119.5. 1.663 miles gross length.
068-66P89 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Bureau Removing existing inlets, storm sewer, installing inlets, paved ditch, guardrail removal and replacement, pipe drains, pipe underdrains, grading and shaping ditches and other related construction items on IL 26 from the intersection with 1950 Ave North and ending at the City County Park Rd entrance north of Princeton. 1.1 mile gross lenth.
069-66R11 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 LaSalle Aggregate Wedge Shoulder, Type B along I 39 at LaSalle county extending from Marshall County Line (M.M. 40.32) to Lee County Line (M.M. 76.85) and includes exit and entrance ramps at the IL 18, Tonica, IL 71, IL 251, Oglesby Spur, US 6, US 52 and US 34 Interchanges, 36.5 miles gross length.
070-66R12 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Grundy, LaSalle Pavement patching along I-80 in LaSalle and Grundy counties_extending from east of Illinois 23 interchange (M.M.90) to Grundy county line (M.M.103), LaSalle County Line (M.M.103) to Seneca interchange (M.M.105), Brisbon interchange Grundy county, and Minooka interchange (Ridge Rd), 15 miles gross length.
071-66R13 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Kendall Pavement patching along F.A.P. Route 326 extending from IL Route 47/71 intersection (L.M. 0.00) to IL Route 47/US 34 Intersection (L.M. 2.80), 2.8 miles gross length.
072-66R14 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Kendall Roadway resurfacing along IL 47 in Kendall county and extends from Sta6811 +72.00 to STA 6852+22.00, 0.757 miles gross length.
073-66R15 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 DeKalb, LaSalle Furnishing and placing Aggregate Wedge Shoulders, Type B adjacent to existing mainline pavement or stabilized shoulders along IL 23 and US 34 in LaSalle County.
074-66R16 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 LaSalle 4 miles Centerline Crack Sealing beginning at 0.3 Mi South of N. 40th Rd and ends at 1.3 MI. South of US Route 34.
075-66R17 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Iroquois Class B pavement patching and other related construction items on US Route 24 beginning at the east ramps of I-57 Interchange and ends at the US 24/45 intersection.
076-66R19 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Bureau Milling, resurfacing, aggregate shoulders, rumble strips, pavement marking, raised reflective pavement markers, and other related construction items on IL Route 89 beginning at the north approach pavement of SN 006-0178 and ending at Cleveland St in Ladd. It also includes the djacent I-80 Frontage Rd beginning at IL 89 intersection and ends at the Ladd Maintenance facility.
077-66R26 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Grundy, Kendall Over 70,000 feet of pavement marking in various locations in District 3.
078-66R28 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Livingston CMP culvert entrance removal and replacement with a Precast Concrete Box Culvert on IL 116 0.61 miles east of F.A.I Route 55. At commercial entrance (Walmart Dr).
079-66R31 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Grundy, Livingston Milling and resurfacing (Designed Overlay), patching,_pavement marking and raised reflectors on FAS 298 from IL 47 in Dwight to IL 53 in Gardner, for a total of 8.1 miles.
080-66R33 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Kankakee Milling and resurfacing 1 1/2" (SMART), patching, aggregate shoulders, pavement marking, and raised reflectors on FAP 332 (IL 1) from Will County Line to IL 17, 3.91 miles total.
081-66R35 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Kankakee 8.84 miles milling and SMART resurfacing from 0.5 miles south of Larry Power Road to Will County Line.
082-66R36 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 LaSalle Milling and resurfacing 2" on I 80 from 1.4 miles east of the Bureau County Line to 0.1 miles east of IL 351. Additional work includes shoulder improvement and ramp resurfacing at IL 251, 2.4 miles gross length.
083-68A65 Active 03/06/2025 3 4 Tazewell Resurfacing IL 9 from 350 feet east of Dillion Creek to East Street in Tazewell County.
084-68F43 Active 03/06/2025 3 4 Warren Designed overlay on US 34 from 0.1 mile west of 20th St to east of US 67 in Monmouth in Warren County. 7.09 miles gross.
085-68G11 Active 03/06/2025 3 4 Henderson 4.69 Miles, Cold-in-place recycling on Carman Rd from US 34 to North of CH 7.
086-68G27 Active 03/06/2025 3 4 Tazewell Bridge repairs to SN 090-0030 carrying IL 8/IL 116 over the Illinois River.
087-68H42 Active 03/06/2025 3 4 Mercer, Warren Designed overlay along US 67 and IL 135 in Mercer and Warren Counties (>7 miles gross) and bridge preservation to SN 066-0016 carrying US 67 over Tom's Creek.
088-68H82 Active 03/06/2025 3 4 Tazewell PCC patching on EB I-74, patching on WB I-74 ramp to Morton Ave, pavement jacking on WB I-74 at US 150. 2.56 miles gross.
089-68J18 Active 03/06/2025 3 4 Peoria Resurfacing of US24/IL 9 from Kingston Mines to W of IL 9 (E). 5.78 miles.
090-68J21 Active 03/06/2025 3 4 Warren PPP designed overlay on US 67 from north of 40th Ave and south end of BUS 67; SMART overlay on Roseville Bypass and north end of BUS 67, including IL 116 from 0.2 mile west to 0.2 mile east of US 67 west of Roseville. Approximately 6.65 miles gross length.
091-68J36 Active 03/06/2025 3 4 Various Districtwide pavement marking restoration.
092-68K08 Active 03/06/2025 3 4 Peoria Replacing natural gas to electric generator along with concrete pad at Operations Peoria West Yard.
093-64P28 Active 03/06/2025 2 2 Winnebago 0.78 mile of patching, resurfacing, ADA and signals on IL 70 from Safford Rd to Glenwood Ave in Rockford.
094-70991 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 Champaign 3.038 miles of standard overlay with ADA improvements and traffic signal modernization from Springfield Ave in Champaign to Curtis Rd in Savoy.
095-70F21 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 McLean 3P Policy, Designed Overlay, ADA improvements, curb and gutter, and traffic signal replacement on IL 9 from west of Towanda Ave to Carnahan Dr east of Bloomington; and on Hershey Rd from Lamon Dr to Castleton Dr in Bloomington. Gross length of 2.189 mi.
096-70G71 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 Vermilion Bridge deck overlay and other repairs to SN's 092-0058 and 092-0196.
097-70H36 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 Champaign Traffic signal modernization and ADA improvements at the intersection of FAP 709 (US 136) with Murray Rd in Rantoul Township.
098-70H39 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 McLean 1.62 miles SMART overlay project, NB and SB ramps at Towanda Interchange.
099-70H42 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 Champaign 9.72 miles of patching from Piatt County Line to Duncan Rd and ramps at Prairieview Rd in Mahomet.
100-70H43 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 Champaign, Vermilion Bridge deck overlay at Saline Branch Ditch east of Leverette; at Fountain Creek 0.2 mi south 4300 North north of East Lynn.
101-70H47 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 Various Bridge Painting of 4 Structure locations on various routes in Mclean, Douglas, Dewitt and Piatt Counties.
102-70H50 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 DeWitt Bridge deck repairs, IL-54 over Salt Creek SN 020-0020.
103-70H54 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 Champaign Patching FAI 57 (I 57) at the I-72 interchange in Champaign, 1.705 miles gross.
104-70H56 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 Piatt 3.81 miles of microsurfacing joint repair 1 mile east of 900E Rd to 1.3 miles west of Champaign County Line.
105-72040 Active 03/06/2025 4 6 Sangamon 1.9 miles of patching, HMA surface removal, HMA overlay, curb and gutter replacement and sidewalk ramp improvements on 9th Street (Peoria Road) from north of Madison Street to south of Sangamon Avenue.
106-72220 Active 03/06/2025 4 6 Logan Bridge deck replacement on SN 054-0050 and 054-0051 carrying I-155 northbound over I-55 southbound and I-155 southbound ramp over I-155 northbound, northwest of Lincoln (I-55/I-155 Interchange).
107-72940 Active 03/06/2025 4 6 Various Bridge approach dip corrections on 11 structures on various routes in District 6.
108-62V73 Active 03/10/2025 1 1 Cook (2.90-Mile) Smart Overlay project consists of asphalt surface removal, pavement patching, combination concrete curb and gutter removal and replacement, resurfacing with asphalt binder course and asphalt surface course, pavement markings This project located on Illinois Route 68 (Dundee Rd) begins at Kane County Line and ends at IL 62 (Algonquin Rd) located within the Village of Barrington Hills in Cook County.
109-74759 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Coles Pavement patching, hot-mix asphalt surface removal and resurfacing, ADA improvements and Signal improvements on IL 16 from IL 121 to just east of Swords Drive in Mattoon.
110-74893 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Effingham Reconstruction of the I-70 and IL 128 interchange at Altamont including HMA surface removal, resurfacing, underdrains, earth and borrow excavation, shoulders, guardrail, box culvert extension, removal of 4 bridges and construction of 2 bridges.
111-74A01 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Clark Bridge superstructure replacement on SN 012-0006 and SN 012-0007 carrying I-70 over East Little Creek, 2.5 miles east of IL 1.
112-74A26 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Richland Patching, shoulder work, resurfacing, longitudinal joint sealant, bridge deck overlay, bridge joint replacement/repairs and flashing beacon on IL 130 from the Jasper County line to 0.4 miles north of Mack Avenue in Olney.
113-74B64 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Effingham 6.1 miles of new shoulders and safety improvements on Dietrich Blacktop from north of Willow Avenue in Montrose to 1100the Avenue north of Dietrich.
114-74C44 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Jasper 11.3 miles of resurfacing, shoulder work and patching on IL 33 from the Effingham County line to west of West End Avenue in Newton.
115-74C46 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Lawrence 2 miles of resurfacing, aggregate wedge shoulders and pavement patching on St. Francisville Spur from IL 1 to west of Hayes Road in St. Francisville.
116-74C48 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Effingham 20.9 miles of crack and joint sealing on southbound I-57 from the Clay County line to I-70 and on northbound I-57 from the Little Wabash River to I-70.
117-74C50 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Cumberland 7.5 miles of cape seal on US 45 from the Cumberland County line to 5th Street in Neoga and from 9th Street in Neoga to 0.3 miles south of IL 121.
118-74D27 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Fayette Patching on I-70 from the Bond County line to 0.2 miles east of US 51 and from just east of TR 342 (Brownstown Road) to 1 mile east of TR 342 (Brownstown Road).
119-74D28 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Effingham 2 miles of patching on US 45 (South Banker Street) from Fayette Avenue to Jaycee Avenue in Effingham.
120-74D30 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Jasper, Richland Tree removal and trimming on IL 130 from Ste. Marie Spur (600th Avenue) to Cove Lane in Olney.
121-74D44 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Various Repairing, replacing, servicing and maintaining electrical systems throughout District 7.
122-76A46 Deleted 03/19/2025 5 8 Madison Intersection improvements with signals and bridge replacement on IL 162/IL 157 in Glen Carbon.
123-76J62 Active 03/06/2025 5 8 St. Clair 4.5 miles of resurfacing, patching and guardrail updates on IL 158/US 50 from US 50 in O-Fallon to IL 161.
124-76N05 Active 03/06/2025 5 8 St. Clair 8.4 miles of resurfacing on IL 4 from IL 15 to IL 13.
125-76R78 Active 03/11/2025 5 8 St. Clair Modernization of 16 traffic signals along IL 159 from the intersection of Ludwig/Salem Avenue to the intersection of IL 161/N. Belt West Road. Limits of this project also includes I-64 from IL 159 westward to milepost 10.8.
126-76T07 Active 03/06/2025 5 8 Madison Bridge painting on I-55 under Goshen Road (SN 060-0178).
127-76T43 Active 03/11/2025 5 8 Greene Electrical repairs at the Joe Page Bridge in Hardin. , Electrical repairs on the Joe Page Bridge in Hardin.
128-76T79 Active 03/06/2025 5 8 Various Lighting and traffic signal modernization at various locations throughout District 8.
129-76U16 Active 03/06/2025 5 8 Jersey Bridge joint replacement and repairs, bridge deck overlay and repairs on SN 042-0014 carrying IL 100 over Elsah Creek.
130-76U18 Active 03/06/2025 5 8 St. Clair Bridge joint replacements, deck repairs and deck overlay on SN 082-0271 carrying US 50 over Summerfield Road.
131-76U26 Active 03/06/2025 1 / 0 5 8 Madison 6.5 miles of resurfacing on IL 3 (Main Street) from Northgate Industrial Drive to the McKinley Bridge approach.
132-76U27 Active 03/06/2025 5 8 Madison 1.3 miles of resurfacing with guardrail upgrades on IL 143 from Kendall Drive to 0.1 miles west of Oasis Drive.
133-76U30 Active 03/11/2025 5 8 St. Clair Bridge deck overlay and joint replacement on SN 082-0323 and 082-0325 carrying I-70 ramps over I-55/64 and the KCS Railroad in East St. Louis.
134-76U31 Active 03/06/2025 5 8 St. Clair 7 miles of resurfacing on IL 4 from south of Cornmill Road to the northern city limits of Fayetteville.
135-78147 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Gallatin Removal and replacement of SN 030-0019 carrying IL 1 over Crawford Creek, approximately 1 mile northwest of Ridgeway.
136-78373 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Williamson 3.6 miles of roadway reconstruction including adding lanes, reconstruction of 4 bridges and intersection reconstruction on IL 13 from Spillway Road to Shawnee Trail.
137-78833 Active 03/11/2025 5 9 White Bridge replacement on US 45 over Lost Creek, approximately 9.3 miles south of the Wayne County line. (SN 097-0023)
138-78894 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Saline 3.4 miles of resurfacing on IL 145 from north of the Pope County line to IL 34.
139-78973 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Alexander Bridge painting on SN 002-0022 carrying IL 57 over the Mississippi River in Cairo.
140-78A56 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Saline Partial single box culvert replacement on US 45 just east of 4th Street in the City of Eldorado.
141-78A80 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Pulaski 11.8 miles of resurfacing, patching, and cleanout and marking of existing pipe underdrains on I-57 / US 51 from Pulaski Road to Perks Road. Also includes bridge deck overlay and repair work on SN 077-0007 and SN 077-0008.
142-78A89 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Gallatin 14 miles of resurfacing and ADA ramp upgrades on IL 1 and Old IL 13 in Omaha.
143-78A99 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Saline 5.5 miles of resurfacing on IL 13 from Lindale Road to the Gallatin County line.
144-78B07 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Alexander 4.7 miles of resurfacing on IL 3 from Twente Crossing Road, 1.5 miles north of Olive Branch, to the UP Railroad in Thebes.
145-78B08 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Jefferson 3.5 miles of HMA resurfacing on IL 37 from County Road 1500N outside of Mt. Vernon to SN 041-0039 carrying IL 37 over the Norfolk Southern Railroad.
146-78B09 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Gallatin, Saline, White 2.4 miles of HMA removal, pavement overlay, shoulder work and guardrail improvements on US 45 beginning 0.7 miles southwest of the Saline/Gallatin County line and proceeding northeast 2.4 miles.
147-78B10 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Williamson 1.5 miles of resurfacing and patching on Moellers Road from IL 13 to Pittsburg Road.
148-78B11 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Jefferson 0.8 miles of resurfacing on IL 15 in Mt. Vernon.
149-78B12 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Williamson 3.2 miles of HMA surface removal, HMA surfacing and patching on Old IL 13 from the east city limits of Carterville to IL 148.
150-78B14 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Franklin 5.7 miles of HMA surface removal, resurfacing, patching and shoulder work on IL 184 from IL 14 in Mulkeytown to IL 149 north of Royalton.
151-78B15 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Hardin 15.1 miles of milling and resurfacing on IL 146 from the Pope County line to IL 1.
152-78B17 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Alexander, Pulaski Patching on I-57 from the Mississippi River Bridge near Cairo to 1 mile north of Mounds Road interchange in both lanes (13.3 miles) and from 1 mile north of Mounds Road interchange to Pulaski Road.
153-78B25 Active 03/06/2025 5 9 Perry 6.5 miles of patching on US 51 from IL 154 to 2.5 miles south of the Washington County line.
154-85776 Active 03/06/2025 2 2 Stephenson Removal and replacement of guardrail and terminals on various routes in Stephenson County.
155-85777 Active 03/06/2025 2 2 Whiteside Resurfacing on Fenton Road 0.8 mile south of Garden Plain Road to Black Road.
156-87862 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Livingston HMA resurfacing with aggregate shoulders on various county highways in Livingston County.
157-87880 Active 03/06/2025 2 3 Bureau Replace sidewalks and ADA ramp improvements along Cleveland street from Peru Avenue to Summit Avenue in Ladd.
158-91650 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 Vermilion HMA shoulders with rumble strips on Perrysville Road from Brewer Road to the Indiana State Line.
159-91654 Active 03/06/2025 3 5 Vermilion Sidewalk replacement along Jefferson Street and Walnut Street in Westville.
160-93826 Active 03/06/2025 1 / 0 4 6 Logan Reconstruction, Widening, and Resurfacing Fifth Street Road from I-55 to Lincoln Parkway in Lincoln.
161-93829 Active 03/06/2025 1 / 0 4 6 Pike Construct a single-span PPC deck beam bridge to carry TR 424B over Blue Creek in Pike County. Includes; Aggregate roadway reconstruction and channel excavation.
162-93830 Active 03/06/2025 4 6 Adams HMA resurfacing on South 18th Street from Harrison Street to Ohio Street in Quincy. Includes; sidewalks and ADA improvements.
163-95972 Active 03/06/2025 1 / 0 4 7 Effingham HMA resurfacing on N 300 Street from 475 N to the Effingham/Fayetteville county line. Includes; aggregate shoulders, and pavement markings.
164-95975 Active 03/06/2025 4 7 Coles Resurfacing on Madison Avenue from 7th Street to 18th Street in Charleston.
165-99727 Active 03/11/2025 5 9 Jackson HMA resurfacing on South Wall Street from East park Street to East Main Street in Carbondale. Includes; ADA improvements and Storm Sewers.
166-61K26 Active 03/12/2025 1 1 Kane Replace the bridge carrying TR 2110 over the CN Railroad, 0.5 mile north of Bowes Road.
167-61K79 Active 03/12/2025 1 1 DuPage Construct HMA bike paths at various locations in Carol Stream.
168-61L22 Active 03/12/2025 1 1 Cook HMA resurfacing on North Avenue from Oak Avenue to Lake Street in Bartlett. Includes patching, sidewalks, and curb and gutter.
169-62W69 Active 03/12/2025 1 1 Kane (3.37-Mile) This is a standard overlay and ADA improvement. This project consists of pavement patching, hot-mix asphalt pavement removal and replacement combination curb and gutter removal and replacement, ADA pedestrian ramp improvements, thermoplastic pavement marking, sidewalk removal and replacement. This improvement is on FAU 2503: IL-25, US 30 (Aurora Avenue) within the City of Aurora in Kane County.
170-62X94 Active 03/12/2025 1 1 McHenry (2.25-Mile) Roadway Reconstruction including construction of three roundabouts at Lake Street, McConnell Road and Judd Street/Irving Ave., water main, sanitary and storm sewer replacement, lighting, signing, retaining walls, ADA improvements and a building demolition from US 14 to IL 120 in the City of Woodstock and Woodstock Fire Rescue District within McHenry County.
171-66295 Active 03/12/2025 2 3 Grundy Railroad Separation Structure Replacement at (SN 032-9906) and Bridge Repair at (SN 032-0065) in Grundy County.
172-85773 Active 03/12/2025 1 / 0 2 2 Lee Replace the bridge carrying Brooklyn Road over Willow Creek, 0.5 mile north of US 30.
173-85778 Active 03/12/2025 2 2 Ogle Extension of two industrial rail spurs from east of Steward Street to south of Ritchie Road in Rochelle. Includes; concrete paving, precast concrete box culverts, storm sewers, and landscaping.
174-87881 Active 03/12/2025 2 3 LaSalle Sidewalk removal and replacement at various locations in Mendota.
175-89868 Active 03/12/2025 3 4 Mercer Construct a shared-use path along 9th Avenue from 6th Street to 4th Street in Aledo. Includes; Curb and gutter, storm sewer, HMA Patching, and PCC entrances.
176-95940 Active 03/12/2025 4 7 Shelby Construct a PCC Bike path with a single-span prefabricated pedestrian structure along IL 16 in Shelbyville. Includes; ADA ramps, drainage improvements, signage, and traffic signal improvements.
177-95969 Active 03/12/2025 4 7 Clark Sidewalk replacement on 7th Street from Oak Street to Mulberry Street, and on Mulberry Street from 6th St. to Michigan Avenue in Marshall.
178-95976 Active 03/12/2025 4 7 Shelby Cold-in-place recycling with HMA surface and binder on CH 3 from Findlay to the Moultrie County line. Includes aggregate shoulders and pavement markings.
179-95977 Active 03/12/2025 4 7 Macon Construct a shared-use path along Harryland Road from Sundance Drive to North Baltimore Avenue in Mt. Zion.
180-95978 Active 03/12/2025 4 7 Macon Construct multi-use paths at various locations in Forsyth.
181-97839 Active 03/12/2025 5 8 Madison HMA resurfacing on Esic Drive from University Drive to IL 157 in Edwardsville. Includes; ADA improvements, storm sewer, and signage.
182-97857 Active 03/12/2025 5 8 Washington Resurface CH 12 from CH 10 to New Marigold Road.
183-97858 Active 03/12/2025 5 8 Bond Construct PCC sidewalk with ADA improvements in the East Wood Subdivision in Greenville. Includes; Utility relocations, driveways, and curb and gutter.
184-97861 Active 03/12/2025 5 8 Clinton Resurfacing on Aviston Road from Old US Highway 50 to IL 161.
185-64T76 Active 03/13/2025 2 2 Various Various routes on-call guardrail.
186-64T79 Active 03/13/2025 2 2 Lee Pavement patching along IL 38 from Franklin Grove to Ashton (9.22 miles gross length).
187-64T85 Active 03/13/2025 2 2 Ogle 0.10 mile HSIP improvements (pavement remarking) at IL 251 intersection.
188-64T89 Active 03/13/2025 2 2 Whiteside Bridge cleaning and painting at SN's 098-0061 and 0062, carrying I-88 over BN RR 1.7 miles west of IL 78.
189-64T92 Active 03/13/2025 2 2 Stephenson bridge cleaning and painting at SN's 089-0058 and 089-0059 carrying US 20 over Silver Creek, 0.5 miles east of Springfield Rd.
190-64U23 Active 03/13/2025 2 2 Stephenson 9 miles of patching, milling, and resurfacing on IL 73 from Hickory Terrace in Lena to Wisconsin State Line.
191-64U32 Active 03/13/2025 2 2 Henry 2.34 miles of HMA milling and resurfacing on US 6 from IL 78 in Annawan to 0.3 miles west of Bureau County Line.
192-66A85 Active 03/13/2025 2 3 Kankakee HMA milling and resurfacing (designed overlay), culvert replacement, pavement marking, ditch cleaning and raised reflective markers on FAS 1317 (IL 113) from the Will County Line to Edgewater Dr in Limestone, 6.14 miles gross.
193-66P47 Active 03/13/2025 2 3 Grundy 6.77 miles of crack and joint sealing on FAS 301 from IL-47_to Mary Ave in Coal City.
194-61L18 Active 03/18/2025 1 1 McHenry HMA roadway reconstruction and construction of a shared-use path from Washington Street to IL 176 on Prospect Street and on IL 176 from Prospect Street east for 600 feet, in the city of Marengo. Includes; storm sewer and parkway restoration.
195-68J27 Active 03/18/2025 3 4 Various Installation of ITS and traffic signal equipment at various locations in District 4.
196-85774 Active 03/18/2025 2 2 Rock Island Pavement reconstruction, sidewalks, storm sewer, curb and gutter, traffic signals, lighting, and landscaping on 15 Avenue from 6th Street to 13th Street in East Moline.
197-89780 Active 03/18/2025 3 4 Warren Pavement reconstruction on West Harlem Avenue from US 34 to North Main Street in Monmouth.
198-89802 Active 03/18/2025 3 4 Tazewell HMA resurfacing and construction of a Multi-use path along Detroit Avenue in Morton. Includes; sidewalks, pedestrian signals, ADA ramps, and curb and gutter.
199-89852 Active 03/18/2025 3 4 Tazewell Sidewalk construction at various locations in the City of Washington.
200-97852 Active 03/18/2025 5 8 Jersey Pavement reconstruction and widening on Hollow Avenue from 0.1 mile west of Waggoner Avenue to 0.1 mile west of North Hickory Street in Jerseyville.
201-97862 Active 03/18/2025 5 8 Madison Pavement reconstruction, sidewalk, curb and gutter on Pierce Lane from north of Stamper Lane to Stamper lane in Godfrey.
202-64U34 Active 03/18/2025 2 2 Stephenson Bridge cleaning and painting at SN 089-0066 carrying IL 73 over Cedar Creek, 0.1 miles south of Cross St in Winslow.
203-74564 Active 03/18/2025 4 7 Coles Complete superstructure and substructure replacement of SN 015-0068 which carries 900N over Riley Creek, 0.3 mile west of Charleston. Includes; guardrail and resurfacing done under a full road closure.
204-62N33 Active 03/18/2025 1 1 DuPage (16.7-Mile) Changeable Message Signs, Signal Timing/Progression, Signing (New), Surveillance, Traffic Signal Modernization and ADA improvements. Located on IL 64 (North Avenue) from Smith / Kautz Rd to York St in the Cities of St. Charles West Chicago, and Elmhurst, and in the Villages of Carol Stream, Glendale Heights, Lombard, Addison, and Villa Park in DuPage County.
205-62W87 Active 03/18/2025 1 1 Cook (9.76-Mile) Standard Overlay, Bridge Deck Overlay, Bridge Repair, Bridge Superstructure Replacement, Sign Structures, Lighting, and ITS. Location of Work: I-94 (Bishop Ford Freeway) from West of Martin Luther King Dr to US 6 (159th St) within the Cities of Chicago and Calumet and the Villages of Burnham Riverdale, South Holland and Dolton.
206-66P96 Active 03/18/2025 2 3 Grundy Repair and maintain traffic signals, flashing beacons, roadway lighting, speed display signs, and other electrical services within Grundy County.
207-66P98 Active 03/18/2025 2 3 Various Repair and maintain traffic signals, flashing beacons, roadway lighting, speed display signs, and other electrical services along various routes in Ford, Iroquois, and Livingston Counties.
208-66P99 Active 03/18/2025 2 3 Kankakee Repair and maintain traffic signals, flashing beacons, roadway lighting, speed display signs, and other electrical services within Kankakee County.
209-66R00 Active 03/18/2025 1 / 0 2 3 Various Litter removal from the interstate highways at interchanges and rest areas throughout District 3.
210-76L49 Active 03/18/2025 5 8 St. Clair 0.6 miles of chip seal / fog seal on Summerfield Road / Main Street from Old US 50 to Casad Street in Summerfield.
211-76U20 Active 03/18/2025 5 8 Madison 0.7 miles of chip seal on West Delmar Avenue from State Street in Alton to IL 3 in Godfrey.
01A-TA008 Active 03/18/2025 4 6 Christian Rehabilitate Runway 9/27
02A-SR098 Active 03/18/2025 5 8 Madison Reconstruct Taxiway B
03A-SP026 Active 03/18/2025 5 8 Randolph Remark Runway 18/36
04A-SD064 Active 03/18/2025 5 8 St. Clair Relocate/Reconstruct Taxiway B, Phase 3: Construct from Taxiway B5 to B7 and B1 Intersection
05A-VE059 Active 03/18/2025 3 5 Vermilion Realign Taxiway A, Phase 3
06A-DU094 Active 03/18/2025 1 / 0 1 1 DuPage Reconstruct Powis Road Apron
07A-JO028 Active 03/18/2025 1 1 Will Airfield Marking and Maintenance
08A-RB022 Active 03/18/2025 4 7 Crawford Install LED Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) System and Associated Electrical Improvements of Duct, Structures, Cabling, and Vault Work
09A-WA076 Active 03/18/2025 1 1 Lake Construct Wildlife Fencing - Phase 5 (Northwest Area)
10A-DI036 Active 03/18/2025 2 2 Lee Replace Automated Weather Observation System
11A-FL036 Active 03/18/2025 4 7 Clay Replace Taxiway Lighting and Airport Rotating Beacon
12A-GA012 Active 03/18/2025 3 4 Knox Rehabilitate Auto Parking Lots and Access Road
13A-KA053 Active 03/18/2025 2 3 Kankakee Obstruction Removal, Phase 1: Runway 4/22 7:1 Sideslopes
14A-QU025 Active 03/24/2025 2 2 Rock Island Realign the General Aviation Entrance Road
15A-PL019 Active 03/18/2025 5 9 Perry Rehabilitation of Runway 18/36 and Taxiway
16A-PO021 Active 03/18/2025 2 3 Livingston Reconstruct T-Hangar Pavements
17A-SO086 Active 03/18/2025 5 9 Jackson T-Hangar Taxilanes Pavement Maintenance
18A-VA024 Active 03/18/2025 4 7 Fayette Airfield Pavement Maintenance
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